Exercise Rehabilitation Brisbane

Your Path to Renewed Vitality Through Exercise Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is one of the most effective ways to stay active and maintain a healthy outlook. Exercise rehabilitation, in particular, is useful not just for recovery, but also in preventing many chronic diseases and musculoskeletal-related injuries.

Physical activity and exercise guidelines for all Australians

Staying active is a movement that is championed worldwide by healthcare experts and even by government bodies. Australians are, in fact, subject to different physical activity recommendations and guidelines for each age group.

Adults aged 18–64

According to Australian Goverment Department of Health and Aged Care, it is suggested that adults aged 18-64 get 2.5 to 5 hours of moderate intensity physical activities each week. This can be as simple as brisk walking, swimming or even active chores like mowing the lawn. Additionally, it’s suggested to include muscle-strengthening activities such as push-ups, squats or lunges, weights and other exercises or even household activities that involve lifting, digging or carrying.

Adults aged 65 and over

On the other hand, adults aged 65 and over are recommended to allocate at least 30 minutes for moderate intensity physical activity on most days. They are also encouraged to reduce the time they spend sitting down or being stationary. You may consider brisk walking, golf without cart, swimming, yard and garden work and other similar or related chores and activities. Also, you can boost your gains by incorporating different types of activities over the course of the week, such as exercises that can help improve strength, flexibility and balance.

What is Exercise Rehabilitation?

Exercise rehabilitation is where our physiotherapist provides therapeutic exercises and physical activities to restore, improve, or maintain physical function, mobility, strength, flexibility, and endurance in individuals who have experienced injury, illness, or other physical impairments.


Do Rehab Exercises Work?

Rehabilitation Exercise prepares your body for the resumption of all your regular activities. It promotes self-healing and helps in recovering strength and flexibility, among other non-physical benefits. It is recommended by healthcare professionals around the world, both as direct treatment or as a complementary program alongside other modalities.


How Can I Rehabilitate My Body?

Exercises can help build your body back and even enhance some of your strengths. But to get optimal results, you can consider consulting our Brisbane physiotherapist to help design a tailored workout for a highly personalised rehab program.


What Type of Exercise Should be Used as Part of a Rehabilitation Program?

Exercises vary depending on your predicament and expectations. Contact us at Physio Brisbane and we can discuss what type of exercise is most relevant to your condition and personal goals. For example, if you are experiencing back pain, we will incorporate exercises that work on core stability as well as spinal flexibility and strength. Depending on the individual, we may also recommend breathing exercises or pelvic floor exercises. It is best to get in touch with us to receive a personalised rehabilitation program.


What Condition Would Benefit from Exercise Rehabilitation?

Sports-related injuries, chronic pain, spinal-related conditions and even cardiorespiratory issues and chronic diseases can all be managed, prevented or treated with exercise rehabilitation.

When Should You Do Rehab Exercises?

The timing for starting a rehabilitation exercise plan depends on several factors. Come see us at Physio Brisbane for an assessment before putting your body through strenuous activities.


Can Exercise Rehabilitation Prevent Future Injuries?

Yes! Exercise rehabilitation can strengthen the body and overall health and wellness, which prevents recurring injuries and chronic conditions. This is a great way to be active and stay strong.

Do I Need a Referral for Exercise Rehabilitation?

No. Referral is not required to get an assessment or exercise rehabilitation plan.

Can Exercise Rehabilitation Be Done at Home?

It is best to have sessions with a physiotherapist at the clinic and only use a home exercise as a supplementary activity. It’s important to have yourself supervised to ensure you are not compromising your progress by not having the correct form during your workouts.