Your Trusted Wilston Physio

Brisbane Physiotherapist Servicing Wilston Clients and Surrounding Areas

We Offer Sports Physio, Musculoskeletal Physio, Spinal Physio, Exercise Rehabilitation and Pilates Reformer for Wilston Clients

Our Wilston Physiotherapy Services

We have a unique blend of expertise that cater to those who are recovering from injuries, managing and treating a health condition or looking for an enhanced fitness routine. As a result, we are able to design programs that are holistic and personalised for each individual.

physiotherapy and exercise rehabilitation

Exercise Rehabilitation

Exercise rehab programs are essential in helping restore your body’s strength and flexibility coming off a surgery or major injury. Even better, it also has practical applications depending on the initial assessment and findings that we conduct in our clinic.

musculoskeletal physiotherapy

Musculoskeletal Physio

Our musculoskeletal physio programs can be designed for everyone, regardless of lifestyle or health and fitness goals. We can help your body recover as well as aid in managing chronic pain and other musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome and more.

spinal physiotherapy brisbane

Spinal Physio

Spinal physio is excellent if you need to expand or recover your range of motion. It’s especially effective on certain back pain issues and other conditions relating to the lower back, neck and even shoulders.

sports physiotherapy brisbane

Sports Physiotherapy

Wilston has its fair share of medical professionals working in the CBD, but if you need a specialist, most notably in sports rehab, then you’ll be pleased to know that Wilston is well-within our service area. Our physiotherapists are passionate about an active lifestyle themselves, and share an understanding of the difficulty that comes with sports injuries, rehab and body conditioning.

pilates reformer

Pilates Reformer

Pilates Reformer adds resistance to Pilates by using a specialised equipment, also known as a reformer or reformer bed. It simultaneously unlocks new variation to your Pilates workouts, which you can personalise further with help from our clinic’s Pilates Reformer program.

We Service Clients in Wilston

The charming northside suburb of Wilston features a lot of green spaces and relaxing lifestyle options at every turn. But its rural identity is not completely stripped. In fact, there are plenty of traditional homes, semi-industrial areas and fresh markets that add layers to the Wilston experience.

Its close proximity to the Brisbane CBD makes Wilston an ideal location for commuters and professionals seeking easy access to employment opportunities, shopping precincts, and cultural attractions.

In a community that values health and well-being, physiotherapy plays a pivotal role in helping individuals maintain and enhance their physical function and quality of life. Whether recovering from injuries, managing chronic conditions, or optimising athletic performance, physiotherapy offers tailored treatments and rehabilitation programs to address a wide range of musculoskeletal issues.

Physiotherapy services in Wilston encompass comprehensive assessments, evidence-based interventions, and holistic approaches to care. With the availability of our skilled physiotherapists, residents of Wilston have access to the support they need to recover from injury, alleviate pain, and improve mobility, enabling them to lead active and fulfilling lives in their vibrant community.